Data Sources

In Blingalytics, sources implement an interface between the report and the original source data.

For example, the database source provides an interface for doing sums and counts over database columns; the derived source allows you to perform calculations over columns from other sources; and the merge source allows you to pull data from other reports and produce a sort of meta-report.

When writing a report, the sources you choose to use will provide you with some or all of the following:

  • Column types, which define how and where the source gets the data for that column.
  • Filters, which you or the end user (through user input widgets) can use to filter the source data for the report.
  • Key ranges, which the report uses to determine which rows to produce.

The documentation for each of the sources provides more in-depth information.

Standard column options

Most columns will require or accept certain arguments specific to their use case, but all column types accept the following optional standard arguments:

  • format: A format class or instance that should be used to determine the formatting and display options for this column. If omitted, the column defaults to being hidden. See Column formatters for more.
  • footer: Most numeric data columns will calculate a sum for the footer by default. String data columns have no footer by default. Each column’s documentation will specify if it has any non-standard footer handling. For any column, if you wish to disable the footer, you can set this to False.

Standard filter options

Most filters also require or accept arguments specific to their use case, but all filters accept the following optional standard arguments:

  • columns: If one or more columns are provided, the filter should only be applied to the given columns. Other columns should remain unaffected. The columns may be specified as a string (for just one column) or a list of strings, specifying the column names to filter. Defaults to None, which applies the filter to all columns in the report.
  • widget: A widget class or instance that defines the widget type the user should be shown to input a filter argument. Defaults to None. See User-input widgets for more.

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Creating and using reports

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Key range source

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